Scholarships and Financial Aid

Many opportunities are available to assist with the financing of a students’ college education. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at Virginia Tech maintains many resources to assist students and families in locating scholarships.

Scholarship Opportunities for CEE students

Civil Engineering Scholarships

The Civil Engineering Department participates in the College of Engineering’s merit-based scholarship process. All Departmental funding is awarded through the COE’s application process. Therefore, if a student is interested in applying for scholarships from the CEE Department directly, they must complete the COE scholarship process. Information can be found in the navigational links at the top of the page under COE Scholarship Opportunities.

It is strongly recommended that all current students submit this application, as the Civil Engineering Department distributes nearly $180,000 to undergraduate students in merit-based scholarship each year. Applications are available each year beginning in February. Current students are notified of this date and deadline via e-mail.

College of Engineering Scholarships

Applications are available for merit scholarships in the College of Engineering in February of each year.

Prospective College of Engineering students can find information about scholarships related to new students here.

Current College of Engineering students can find information about the COE scholarship process here.

College of Engineering Study Abroad Scholarships

Other Scholarship Sources

Companies and organizations often notify the Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of available scholarships for students pursuing a civil engineering degree. Information about these scholarships is disseminated to currently enrolled students via an undergraduate communication forum and posted on the undergraduate scholarship webpage for students to review.

Cost Table for VT Tuition and Fees