The Virginia Section of the American Water Works Association and the Virginia Water Environment Association held WaterJAM 2019 in Virginia Beach from September 9-12. The event provided technical growth opportunities for students in topics covering the latest industry trends. There were also a number of networking opportunities throughout the weekend. The following Virginia Tech civil and environmental engineering students were honored with awards and scholarships.
Water Poster Competition 1st Place: Yewei Sun
Wastewater Poster Competition 1st Place: Zixuan Wang
Digital Knowledge Competition 1st Place: Mehdi Ketabchy and Mohammad Yazdi
Digital Knowledge Competition 2nd Place: Yuan Pan
Student Water Challenge 2nd Place: VT Team (Namrata Shanmukh Panji, Rachel Vanwormer, Chunmiao Wang, Bing Xu, Wenchuo Yao)
2019 VA AWWA Graduate Student Scholarship: Anmol Vishwakarma and Ishi Keenum
2019 VWEA Sonny Roden Graduate Scholarship: Yewei Sun