WaterJAM 2016 was held in Virginia Beach and VTCEE had 23 members attend the conference. Siddhartha Roy gave the keynote address in front of more than 1500 people. There were two teams to participate in the water plant design competition, posters were prepared and presented by nine students, and podium presentations were given by three other students. Some of the notable accomplishments at WaterJAM listed below.
YP Fresh Ideas Poster Competition:
– Ping Qingyun won the poster competition in the water section and will be representing the Virginia section at ACE 2017.
– Shiqiang Zou won the poster competition in the wastewater section.
Annual VA AWWA Student Water Challenge:
– Virginia Tech team won first place at the water challenge. Team members are Katherine Olson, Ke Li, Nevetha Ramesh, Andrew Arnold, and Pranav Sampara.
VA AWWA and VWEA Scholarships:
– Catherine Grey was awarded the 2016 Sony Roden Memorial Graduate Scholarship
– Siddhartha Roy was awarded the 2016 VA AWWA Graduate Student Scholarship